I’m flying my “weird” flag loud and clear this weekend to avoid being recruited by one of the departments at work, who have made several overtures through coworkers.

The secret of the Wall Street suits 

Here is my history with Wall Street and why I don’t want to make the move.

I worked 20 years on both the corporate and consulting side as a marketer. Every opportunity to go to lunch or on a road trip, I would encounter the suits, professional men and women with considerable academic achievement like myself focused on a trajectory in the finance world. They all speak knowledgeably; most of them are pedigreed, either from a fine university, graduate program or internship. They speak in specialized language of their chosen fields and they invariably are mild mannered and at times have pursued very similar soul paths. 

I used to see these individuals, mostly analysts and portfolio managers, as proper, appropriate, powerful and in the right place. Until mid 2007, when I was trapped in a hotel with them. I remember while finishing a roadshow lunch and packing up the table, one passed by me without acknowledging me, and I thought I could never be one of them, even if I pursued the education. 

The only way I could explain this is: a person with a multicolored aura can never be a suit. 

It’s actually devolving. 

Suits act in ways that others demand them to be or acts a certain way to fit in and conform with what society accepts. They are fixated only on a material reality. Suits live the life that society had always told them to live. “Find a secure job, work hard,” they would say. “Get a solid job and work your way up the ladder.”

Suits are starting up the color chart a basic Earth tone (concerned only with survival), while I have been through so many incarnations, I’ve a hue from every lifetime that helps me see the variegated nature of seasons, people and life experiences. So while most people expect me to be motivated by money and fear, they find instead someone more concerned with creating characters, playing with other people’s palettes, exploring different dimensions, allowing for archetypes of other lifetimes to express themselves, and speaking with a wide array of people to feed my ability to have a spiritual communion with the Whole.

Every time I think back to that pivotal moment I remind myself what wearing the suit means. 

To me it wasn’t unlike academia. Suits are souls whose knowledge is a function of mechanical control. They are the willing pawns of this manufactured reality. Instead of having an optimistic disposition, they are valued for their grey assessments of the world and economy.  Numeric expressions make up their daily function. Instead of offering solutions, as their entrepreneurial counterparts are wont, they look for ways to crunch numbers that make the simple appear more sophisticated and impress rather than truly communicate. All this packaging is not unlike their exterior: predictable, monotone and financially secure. 

Suits can tell their status from other just by looking at the closeness of the individual threads and the fine tailoring. They compare themselves on the basis of their uniforms, for this is how others judge them. The wealthier the look, the assumption is: the more successful they have been and the better able to represent your interests. 

That all has changed since the financial crisis of 2008. You can argue otherwise but the secret is: the elites have been bailing out. It’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s an industry wide shake up that has gone on for eight years. As global consciousness has finally caught up with the game, the elite can no longer control or deceive as much as they did in the past. Subsequently, the job security is no longer a guarantee for suits as the control environment becomes increasingly fragmented.

Be true to yourself

Going back to my dilemma, I knew joining this department would be a step back into uncertain waters. As my coworkers kept nudging me, I admit I didn’t know how to respond. 

Like most people I faltered, and the experience made me realize no matter how strong my inner knowing, my first impulse was to react like a suit, i.e. obey, take the order and think later.

Why it happens?

Usually our intuition already has the answer, yet we have been programmed to trust only logic. We say to ourselves “it’s more money. That department has a prestigious function. It is a top line role; there is bound to be opportunities,” and we delude ourselves into doing the easy thing and follow like sheep to the slaughter. 

As Casey Neistat once noted, “It’s a really frightening position to be in, because you have this big fat check in front of you and oftentimes you can be asked to compromise your value or your integrity to pay the rent.”

It’s at times like this that I have to document what I did right to remember it the next time around. 

Firstly, I delved into my purpose and asked if the department was a fit more for my long range goals and proclivities rather than my bucket list. We have skills we have learned and we have stretch goals that take us deeper into our potential. Which was this? 

Secondly, I had to ask why is this so important that they are trying so hard to get rid of me. Had I pushed too hard against the grain? I didn’t think so. I worked hard, I didn’t gossip, I presented a professional front, I just didn’t find the suits welcoming, so I mirrored it — and maybe that was the energetic resistance they wanted to dispel. 

Thirdly, sometimes we need support from others that know us well to allow us to choose ourselves. So much of society wants us to fit their expectations that we invalidate ours. The truth is: only we know what makes our souls happy. We should take 100% responsibility for saying no to those who don’t have our best interests in mind. 

For those people that think they can change the tone and culture of the organization by moving you like a set of lawn furniture, they will have to live with your decision that your path is unclear to them. Because it is, they cannot obstruct or control you.

Finding myself on the spiral path 

There is a profound sense of joy and purpose when we have to lose ourself in something greater. Whether this something is art, a movement, a vision or a Higher Power, it’s to trust that if the destination is Unknown that could be the best thing for your Soul. 

In the past I had pursued my ambitions like a straight line. Each time when I got what I wanted (reached my destination), I was disappointed. If it was accolades, societal approval or money/status, the outcomes were depression and isolation. There was always something more that I was not; some reason that said never enough; or a certain loneliness that no amount of achievement could fill.

Even when the purpose was spiritual attainment, I didn’t find complete fulfillment in that, either. I thought it required full sacrifice, complete dedication, as lightworkers are called to do. But it only led to poverty that I did not enjoy (or recommend to anyone).

When controlling my destiny (trying too hard to walk a straight path) made me miserable in 2016, I surrendered to natural forces and a new dimension opened up. 

When one discovers and understands the doctrine of the two nature-orders, he stands at the doorstep of the Spiral Path. When one makes the voluntary decision to forsake the material world, choosing to be in the world but not of the world, one can begin to walk the Spiral Path, the Path of Liberation; the Path of Return.” — BrotherGee

You know you’re on the spiral path by your inability to define it to others. I thought I would be on the spiral path when I began my career as a psychic but I hadn’t fully surrendered control. To forsake the material world doesn’t mean let go of making a living. It actually means being in a state of indifference towards it as the primary determinant of your value.

Your life becomes like a spiral, because sometimes you have to start over. Or go back to a riddle that you still need to find the answer. And that answer will unlock the door to the next level. Each turn of the spiral brings us back around into life lessons that are now approached from a new level of understanding. 

Once you stop worrying about what others think, you begin to relax into your true self and do your life’s work. Your inner life takes over. Life becomes more enjoyable, because each time you heal, your soul learns lessons and your overall sense of mastery brings you inner fulfillment.

We were all created to return to our original state: communion with that Consciousness that breathes life into all living beings. Once we do we can’t feel lonely any more.

– We lose our obsession with correctness and begin to reacquaint ourselves with spontaneity.

– We open up to the receptivity of being in meditative, transcendent states, where our imagination, intuition, and inner life fully come alive. 

– Instead of traveling in a straight line, which isn’t really natural, we allow things to sink in and begin to understand the world around us in a deeper way.

– We embrace our imperfections and understand that everything is in perfect order, even if we cannot understand it.

Be proud of how you shine your Light

Being a multicolor aura personality we have diverse life experiences and struggles that gives us a different response to life.  Knowing that people are never black and white, neither good or bad, we are learning how to apply our compassion, greater awareness and understanding to how to channel, express and communicate with them. 

When we immerse ourselves wholeheartedly in the emotions of the collective and respond to it rather than shut it down, we open ourselves up to greater possibilities. We are able to be diplomats across all lines. As a result, our effectiveness goes up.

With our experience handling diverse challenges and failures over many lifetimes, We have earned my colored stripes. Knowing that we have survived the worst means we can offer positivity.  Leaders want people who can see the bright side of things. They know that doom and gloom doesn’t accomplish anything. While most suits struggle with the diminishing financial rewards, someone with our commitment is a joy to be around. That only increases our negotiating leverage.

In a storm, which reveals everyone’s mettle, that is what makes a colorful aura personality stand out. 


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