Psychic protection 101: How to clean up, emotional sponges

As we promised, the next few weeks will focus on psychic protection.

The first order is addressing those of you who are psychic sponges. Many empaths have a tendency to not only take in information, but also absorb it for later processing and healing.

For those who do not know what an emotional sponge, and are uncertain if you are one, the following questions might help:

  • Do you take on the feelings of others?
  • When a coworker or neighbor shared their negative stories, do you absorb their negativity? feel exhausted? Or take on their trauma and stress?
  • Do you find yourself often depressed?  Easily drained in crowds?
  • Do you fear being overwhelmed in relationships?
  • Do you see to need more quiet time than others?
  • Do you subconsciously overindulge in food, drugs or alcohol to cope?
  • Do you suffer from physical symptoms that are difficult to diagnose medically?

If you’ve answered yes to more than 5 of these questions, changes are you are a finely tuned psychic instrument that requires frequent re-balancing and sometimes cleansing.

In Common with Physical Sponges

Many empaths resemble sponges in that we tend to wash others clean through the process of our concerned listening, analysis, sifting through their undigested emotions, trash, congested grease of heavy emotions that cause auric blockages and stuck patterns. In the process of conversing, or even being in the same environment, we can look like a dirty sponge by the end of the day.

ditry sponge bob

Most people throw away sponges when they been used and no longer have abrasiveness. That acute sharpness in an emotional empath is akin to our energy, including our insights, mental acuity, inner radiance, emotional fortitude, resilience, unlimited ability to renewal through spiritual power, physical vitality and strength.

Another kind of sponge is a vampire, who also have enormous appetite for absorbing, channeling, transforming and manipulating the life force of others. Because of their negative behaviors; however, vampires are individuals who use their magic to ill will. Because of their destructive tendencies, they do not face the truth about themselves and work with their own abilities. Instead, they consistently use their abilities to prey on others; for the attention and illusion of power it gives them.

soap the sponge

Soaping; or the psychic equivalent of taking baths in epsom salts, are simply not enough.

Because the sponge is always warm, moist and flecked with food, it is an ideal breeding ground for microbes — both physical and energetic. As with the table below, the aura, which is a porous membrane like a sponge, may be filled with all types of parasites; holes; tears; as well as unhealthful sludge after repeated breakdown and use.



How to keep emotional sponges clean

squeeze the sponge

There is no option for people to microwave an emotional sponge; just as a physical sponge to kill the microbes. However, there is the possibility of keeping a sponge cleaner by rinsing with more than plain water.

As with physical sponges, you must take care to kill the germs or Negativity that you’ve picked up, by regularly rinsing unwanted thought forms, negative self-images and self-talk and unprocessed emotions by eliminating foreign energies from the aura. The “bleach” equivalent includes bathing regularly in Light; taking Himalayan pink or sea salt baths; to applying aura spray made of essential oils, such as lime, lemon, or juniper regularly to yourself and your aura with as far as an arm’s distance from your arms. Drinking 9-12 glasses of water also helps.

Control your negative thoughts

Even though we are sensitive, we are not as helpless as think. Most situations call for us to step outside of our victimhood (and into our Higher Self). Practicing detachment allows us to witness our circumstances and choose out thoughts. For instance, if we decide that this is perpetual situation of bad luck; that dark umbrella will follow us wherever we go.

Even with protection (like that of an umbrella), some of us still rain down on our own parades.

We start down a dark spiral when we feel sorry for ourselves and start calling upon our past history as a source for our misery. Once we start injuring ourselves with negative self-talk, we automatically surrender to the situation and stop seeing solution. Internally, we also create conditions that rob us of our joy.

It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, this is where it’s necessary to short-circuit that negativity thought stream, because it will bring the worst upon us if we keep focusing on “what we don’t want,” if we remain in our comfort zone with our arms crossed. A negative loop feeds upon itself, and when we are in that emotional state, we are apt to create more chaos.

We need to step aside, take a deep breath and indeed, ask whether it’s as bad as it looks. Usually, it isn’t. But our mental state is such that we see only the overwhelm (and work involved), and not the blessing in disguise. Once we say to ourselves, “I can handle this,” or “I own this problem; I am going to own the solution.” Things then shift to a different line of thinking.

We don’t always have to reach for the ax to kill the flea, so-to-speak; or jump to conclusions that something is always out of our control, even if they are demonic or Negative in nature.  As a wise man always said, “If you weren’t powerful enough, no one would seek after you.” In this generation, so many lightworkers are targeted for the simple reason that they have come here to free the earth from negativity. Some people were born with implants; others experience multiple attacks along the way. This wasn’t meant to be a curse or big boulder in the way of your plans. In a higher sense, it’s meant to train you for helping yourself transform the density and help others beyond it. Therefore, own that power and create a different destiny for yourself.  Even, as we go through the grief, anger, resentment and pain, there is a cleansing in the end, and we are going to be that much stronger for it.

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