Archaeological record and water 

This is the fourth and final psychic blog on water.  Given that I studied archaeology, I want to give an account of what I studied and how highly concentrated forms of positive intention affects the body and immortal soul. I coin this #soularchaeology, as this is the best way to describe the type of scientific investigation I undertook in my early 20's. #telepathynation #water #earth #remnants #evidence #lifetimes #thinking #intentions #meditations #practices #transmission #ideology #religion #transfer #cultural #monks #Buddhism #crystals #mantras; for if we follow our highest aspirations, we are meant to return to #Light rather than #ashes; and now there is physical proof of the long-term benefits of so-called "right actions and thinking."

First, let me say that this blog is more speculative in nature than an exhaustive study. It's my reflection on what I observed, however simplistic, and some of validating evidence in the material record. On the basis that we are almost 70% comprised of water (per the chart below), the medium, by which we exist, memories and feelings, long after they have been expressed.


How do we know this? Cursorily speakily, I refer back to the groundbreaking work by Japanese scientist, Emoto.

On a microscopic level we can see structuring that thoughts that promote harmony and beauty tend to have a higher, more stable geometric structure than more dissonant, chaotic thoughts. Consciousness and intentions, therefore, as evidenced by the crystalline structure in water when frozen. Primaily a researcher and photographer, Emoto conducted studies with almost 2000 people, asking them to concentrate on feelings of gratitude towards stored water, and published the results of their microscopic structure of the before and after changes, in 2008, in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, a peer reviewed scientific journal of the Society for Scientific Exploration. As you can see below, the gratitude-focused crystals were rated slightly more "beautiful" than one set of control crystals, and slightly less "beautiful" than the other controls. img_2907


His quest was to see if polluted waters could be cleansed by prayer and positive visualization. He also believed in using ultraviolet radiation and sound frequencies to heal water. At any rate, believe what you will, his work is the foundation of a much needed investigation in the energetic frequencies of all living things. Following the nuclear contamination of the Fukushima incident in 2008, his inquiry obviously were a direct response to the most dire of human conditions.

Jumping forward, let's ask a different question… what are crystals and how do differ from other living organisms? According to the Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology of the Madrid, Spain-based institute Higher Council for Scientific Investigations (CSCI)'s website,

"A crystal is a material whose constituents, such as atoms, molecules or ions, are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure. These constituents are held together by interatomic forces (chemical bonds) such as metallic bonds, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, van der Waals bonds, and others.

The crystalline state of matter is the state with the highest order, ie, with very high internal correlations and at the greatest distance range. This is reflected in their properties: anisotropic and discontinuous. Crystals usually appear as unadulterated, homogenous and with well-defined geometric shapes (habits) when they are well-formed. However, as we say in Spanish, "the habit does not make the monk" (clothes do not make the man) and their external morphology is not sufficient to evaluate the crystallinity of a material."

When I was an intern at the Smithsonian's Conservation Analytical Laboratory, my first month was solidly focused on scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and other techniques, for studying the chemical composition of inorganic materials. While we did not take SEM photographs to understand microscopic structure, as so much as we needed to evaluate age and corrosion on artifacts.

Sarira, the Miracle of Buddhist Human Crystals

During the time I was focused on ancient glass from the early Han to Tang dynasties in China. Glass is a purely Western/Islamic and Scythian/Indo European phenomenon. For it to turn up in East Asia was direct evidence of cultural transfer, as the technology existed for glaze on porcelain, but not develop beads, canes or glass objects, as it did in ancient civilizations in the middle East. Moreover, there was a more personal reason for studying glass and crystalline objects. My grandmother was a Buddhist nun. One of the things she always stressed to me was the reciting of a mantra on a rosary. It took me on a journey to understand beads and relic worship.


Photo Credit: Tim Cooley, 2009/12

Apparently, part of the miracles and superhuman powers of Buddhism is the ability to transport the soul after death, among others.

Sarira is the Sanskrit word for “body” (शरीर), but it can refer to any number of relics like teeth or parts of Buddha's skull, which serve as evidence to the crystalline substances that remain after a respected Buddhist's corpse is burnt. The first instance of relic worship stems from how six clans and a king found over the remains of Gautama Buddha after he was cremated. According to Mahaoarinibbana Sutta, the body and ashes were divided into ten portions, and encased in a pot. Later these were enshrined in a stupa, a monument to store the relics; sometimes, it is just a jewel encrusted box, a glass bottle, and other times, it is a casket or structure. Another historical record known as the Ashokavadana recounts how the relics were dug up by Ashoka, divided into 84,000 portions and housed in the same number of stupas. Despite the despair of these monuments, pilgrims from afar came to worship and visit these stupas, giving rise to local leaders and spreading the dharma throughout China, Japan, and all parts of Asia.

Quora contributor Josh Buurman (Dec. 22, 2014) postulates that esteemed monks leave crystalline-type pearls in their ashes for two reasons:

"1. The traditional one that those monks purified themselves and this results in small changes in body chemistry resulting in relics forming.
2. The other one is more down to earth, though the traditional might work together with this. Many times the funeral (cremation) of a monk is something different from the cremation of ordinary people. The pyre is often much larger and of different material. I recall that there are special instructions but can't find a reference right now.

On top of this, once a monk is considered a well established one (let alone an arahant) people will come search the remaining pieces and keep them in good faith. There are accounts that the relics only changed appearances later, not directly. With ordinary people this does not happen, we sweep the dust, put the ashes in an urn (I doubt the larger parts will be there, not sure) and that's it."

There are also articles quoted, such as the NIH 1995 study, published in Forensic Sc. Investigations, by JL Holden, PP Phaley and JP Clemen, about the possible re-crystallization of organic matter after being burned over 24 hours; however, none of these used actual monk remains. Good theory, but tested on ordinary individuals, ages 1-95, to test what temperature bones melts and if age can be determined from the remains through SEM and microradiography. 

The Epoch Times is Chinese-language newspaper found in 2000 on the premise of making known mainland China's persecution of the spiritual group Falun Gong, a movement that combines Buddhism, Taoism and the beliefs of its founder Li Hongzhi. Their coverage is more broad-based and better researched. The miracle is: 

  • "The substance is thought to be accumulated from other realms, to be not quite of this world."
  • "It has long been held in Buddhist tradition that accomplished monks accumulate a substance in their bodies that ordinary people do not."

Also, in its presence one feels a Oneness or a Consciousness from the remains that is unworldly that even researchers from Stanford led by William A. Tiller, PhD, tried to substantiate and measure the energy of sarira. It is more likely than not, that sarira is heavily protected in the Buddhist sphere. When an esteemed monk is cremated, the remains and photographed, measured and documented. Never offered to science for verification; for they are sacred and would be destroyed in the analytical process. This, I can vouch for, having worked with respected institutions, museums and religious societies in the preservation of their relics.

At any rate the relics have been heavily imprinted with intention. So much so that they can produce miracles in their presence; and when not respected or cared for, mysteriously will disappear. Obviously, there also is the possibility of miracles happening due to the power that worshippers project onto to relics. However, as of this date, there is no substantive proof; except to say, that the deltrons, or intermediaries spaces between electric atom/molecules of these objects are highly ordered in order to maintain a crystalline-like substance even after cremation.

While neuroscientists are only scratching the surface in the health benefits of ancient Vedic practices, this article is meant to elaborate the results of the highest aspiring devotees. Many writers observe that we are soon to become crystalline and return to the Light. Indeed, this lineage of highly esteemed monks shows that it is possible through their transmigration and change from organic to a more cohesive structure. 




Take your pleasure seriously

In 2014 I lost my best friend and cousin Cathy Chiu to stage 4 cancer. We were shocked. Not only did we think she was improving, but we actually saw dozens of photos on Facebook of her enjoying life with her family in Singapore and Hawaii three weeks before her death.

#telepathynation #reflections #death #lessons #life #sacralchakra #water #selfworth #manifestation #lawofattraction #soul #sacrifice #honesty #hidden #forgiveness #expectations #cancer

In 2010 I spent two years overseas with my cousin, so I know her like a second sister. She might be in tremendous physical pain but she forced herself to look happy for the sake of others: her mom, our grandmother, her kids, her customers, etc.

One instance that exemplifies this behavior was when she received a health department notice about her restaurant kitchen. She was being fined hundreds of dollars, to which probably to you and me, would make us tear our hair out and worry. But I remember her clearly that day. She took the notice and shoved it in her purse, saying, "It's only money. There are bigger things to think about."

We thought she meant other management issues.

Little did we realize that she was planning for her pending death, secretly arranging the sale of properties for her mom and children's benefit, meanwhile going through multiple anticancer treatments.

She was the type of person you always looked up to, and felt was your best friend. Even if you've only eaten at her restaurant once. She smiled and joked, and entertained so many, despite the physical and financial burdens that must've weighed on her mind, that you would never know how much she suffered inside.

It has been three years she has been gone. Today is her birthday, and she would've been 52 years old; and on this occasion, where I've had my first vacation in three years, I reminisce about how grateful I was to have spent time with her.

I reminisce about buying her these expensive but fun waterproof sandals that looked like duck feet. I reminisce about all the car trips we took to Yangming-san, a mountainous retreat, to look at the city from above, and all the times she treated me to buffets on her special hotel club card.

When I was in Taiwan I never felt lonely because there was always her, along with students, classmates and roommates, to cook interesting dishes for. I remember her telling me how happy she was, to be served instead of doing the food serving.

During that time, I enjoyed the lavish things we did, even as I couldn't afford them. Looking back, that may have been foolish. But being able to be equal and give something back to her was important; and it made her feel less of a caretaker.

My cousin was my rock. Through my own health crises, panic attacks, money worries, family problems, she was this immense "Buddha-like" sponge that could absorb it all, and reflect to you: "It'll pass; I've been there." (And yet her experience would be 1000x worse.)
Sometimes strong people are their worst enemies. They don't allow people to see their vulnerabilities and let them shoulder the pain. When she passed, I knew she had been lying and hiding it from the rest of the family to prevent them from worrying.

Lessons learned: self esteem, life's pleasures, sense of womanhood, emotions

This is what I learned from her. She was a student of positive manifestation, and was a creative entrepreneur, having read books on abundance and successful living. I will post shots of her creative vision, Gusto Restaurant, in Taipei, Taiwan, to give you an idea of how brilliant she was.

She always lectured her mom and me about the importance of eating, drinking, sleeping, dressing and living well. "This is how you tell yourself you're worthy of the money that has yet to become attracted to you," she said.

Indeed, she was right.

This is coming from not a profligate spender, but from someone who was prudent enough to manage her mom's business out of bankruptcy at age 23, and who ran successful businesses for 20 years. In addition being a good manager, she was a good mom and beautiful person.

The only thing she couldn't do through manifestation work, though, was undo the damage done by her husband's sexual infidelity. They were high school sweethearts and married not shortly after graduation. Both hardworking, my cousin in law came from worse means, but he rose to the occasion by becoming a successful manager in China's largest shipping conglomerate. That said, he often traveled alone to do his work, and eventually fell in love with a prostitute and got her pregnant. This news alone was a complete affront to my cousin, who turned into a self-sacrificing and dutiful housewife after marriage.

She eventually forgave him, even after he left the woman. But she refused any attempts at reconciliation. Even after the divorce, she didn't accept alimony. She only wanted to end things peacefully for the sake of the children. Yet, I know, from having spent time with her and her children, that there were many years of sleeping in the cellar of her kitchen as a temporary home, before she would even ask for assistance from anyone. She raised her own money to start her restaurant, and schmoozed her way to becoming one of Taipei's best known Spanish restaturants, overcoming the obstacle of being tucked away in an alleyway no one normally go to, in one of the city's swankiest districts.

"Before the divorce I didn't think I had it within me," I recall her saying.

"But afterwards, I saw it was a good thing, because it saved me from myself, from being just a mom. Women should be independent. Never to sacrifice everything for the family like I did, because look at what happened.

"When you don't value yourself, your husband will leave you for someone that does."

That realization hit me hard. No one would think my cousin (this successful entrepreneur) would have been just a dumpy old housewife. Ever. She dressed well; she was always cheerful, and she was so glamorous, men always hit on her when she took excursions to China to see her ex-husband and daughter.

It was unfathomable. On the outside she lived the perfect life. On the inside, she hid so many truths.

I always wondered why she got into the cosmetic surgery business in mainland China and Taiwan, even though she already had a successful restaurant. Then I realized in listening to her stories, these women (like her) all believe something about them is still not good enough. Many of them are actresses, prostitutes, women who rely solely on their external appearance to survive. She told me how she found solace in helping these women. It wasn't a love of the products or procedures; or the desire to be beautiful herself, although, that was part of it in the beginning. It ended up helping her develop empathy for the other side: the woman her husband left her for. Somehow she needed to see firsthand, the cruelty of being beautiful to make a living, in order to come to peace with what had been done to her marriage.

Unfortunately, that forgiveness came too late. The cancer ran its course, while she was on a three week break from radiation therapy. She came down with something, and within days, she was dead.

How to heal the water (or sacral) chakra

She died when I was back in the States, and on my sophomore year of running my own business. Living with her for two years was the best preparation for running it, because I got used to the cycle of going to work in the late morning and weekends, being free for 60% of your time, and making my life about life entertainment. I was prepared for the rigors of entrepreneurship from listening to her complain.

If there was anything that I could've done differently, it would've been to have indulged her in taking a vacation to Italy. At the time I had a timeshare but I didn't have the means financially to buy the airplane ticket or spend the time off from work. Several times we tried to book it, but, like some other moneymaking schemes undertaken by my cousin, better opportunities in Asia always turned up, and she scurried away to make money, first.

I really regret that, because taking my family on vacation was the whole point of my buying (and paying off the mortgage on the timeshare for 15 years). Now every time someone passes away, even my dad, who is a scrupulous saver, would say, "Let's take a trip. Or let's spend some money or eat that. How many more days can you enjoy life?" The money that was so important and that we all worked to accumulate, isn't going with you.

I know that's a whole different mindset for some of you, but maybe one worth taking into consideration.

To heal the water chakra, look at what you blame yourself for. When events happen in your life, whether as a result of your doing or not, accept the reality that things happen and forgive yourself. By letting go of the emotional baggage, we can release guilt and other issues, blocking us from the true enjoyment of life.

In my cousin's case, she tried but never got over the failure of her marriage. Having gone to Catholic school, she had concepts about her sexuality that prevented her from getting over failed attempts at relationships with new partners, that turned her mind off to new opportunities, despite how beautiful she was; and in general, hampered a search for a new husband. She also put herself in a role that required so much responsibility that she couldn't take time off to heal that wounded aspects of her identity.

Other ways to balance this chakra include:

  • Learning to open the hip area, doing yoga or other calisthenics;
  • Engaging in free movement or dance;
  • Visualizing orange — eating, absorbing, wearing and infusing yourself, in this color;
  • Keeping the other chakras balanced; and
  • Letting go of any unnecessary baggage, emotional or physical, that cloud or poison your environment, thoughts and, ultimately, your body.


Despite all the trials and tribulations in our lives, the gift of a physical body is more than what hundreds of thousands of disembodied spirits have. All of them wish, if they could do it again, to have lived differently, knowing what they know now after death. Had they known about the possible toxicity of their thoughts and inclinations, perhaps they wouldn't let themselves harbor them. So learn from this story and resolve to take your pleasure seriously. We never know when it'll be someone's or out last breath on Earth.

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