Psychic detox and water

Well, despite myself, I’m doing well on my sleep and detox diet. Most of us who are empathic really struggle with pesky weight gain for sometimes frustrating reasons. Here’s what I’ve learned about myself as an emotional sponge, and how to wring myself clean of energy every 6-7 weeks. (2 of 2)

#wisdom #alkalinity #water #sleep #mindbodyconnection #eatingright to be a #clearchannel and to #stabilize your #gift #recognizing #vibrational #activity as well as your #physical influences #telepathynation #enchantmentsBK

What I learned about good health, I learned from Nicole Ronsard, a Frenchwoman who wrote a book about cellulite, which focuses on good circulation and avoiding certain polluting foods.

 and my grandmother always got up at 4 am to do yoga and start chanting and reading her scriptures. She always said, drink lots of water.

Why water is important to me

Most days when I am traveling or talking to people I can pick up as much as 15 pounds of energy, from interacting with people and the new environment. I’ll feel really tired.

Clogged: a better word for how it feels. Like a blender trying to grind up too many dense ingredients at the same time. Or like a train carrying too many cars, trying to pull uphill.

Yesterday, I was achy and tired; I even thought I was coming down with an autoimmune disease. I started drinking coffee with different Omega creamers earlier this year, hoping that would help, but it hasn’t. Significantly, that is. This Friday, I felt so run down, it was like I had aged 20 years. I didn’t understand why my coworker, who is the same age as me and who even gets less sleep than I do, was fine; although, of course, he doesn’t come into the office every day, and he’s not build like a sponge, absorbing vibrations.

In Chinese astrology my elements together can be summarized as “Big Water.” Like the ocean I’m a huge empathic sponge: I am all about sucking up energy and cleansing it. It’s how I’m built, energetically.

When I see myself getting bloated, I know I’m processing huge amounts of information and experiences. According to scientists we are composed of 72% of water. For those of us that are either psychic, water signs or naturally empathic, we tend to absorb in excess of that amount from our surroundings, making us feel heavy, overwhelmed and confused.

You know when it becomes problematic when your mind turns over and over on thoughts that are, sometimes, not yours. Or when the emotional drive/fire to do something becomes literally watered by Negativity (fear, anxiety and other projections, sometimes not our own).

Recently I took Grandma’s advice and started drinking lots water; specifically, Kangen water(1), because it is non-fluoride and is alkaline; and vegetable smoothies or brothy vegetable soups made with it. Below is a list of its benefits. 

If you can’t afford Kangen water, you can make your own alkaline water with #Himalayansalt or purchase other brands in a higher end supermarket.

I was totally amazed, because I haven’t been to the gym for three weeks and I have been eating pizza, bread and other crap, such as sugary coffee drinks, which I shouldn’t have, in the last few days. Yet the weight just peeled off in the morning, as if I were flushing the contents of my stomach.

How to lube up your internal engine

In the beginning I drank a tall glass of water with apple cider vinegar, #Himalayansalt, lemon or cayenne pepper, before bed and in the morning, consistently for three months. This increased the need to urinate but drinking so much made me aware of myself as a big container of water. If you’re not complicated by an unhealthy body or prescription drugs, when you are filled to capacity, you will feel it and your body will automatically send a signal to your brain to purge what is no longer necessary for it, without your consciously deciding what that should be.

All you have to do is focus on drinking enough of the right pH water.

Knowing my water is naturally alkaline, I essentially took care of 72% of my body, preventing parasites, and other harmful microcosms to grow.

I find that even people who religiously read labels, or are vegetarian, can still be fat. Either they don’t drink enough water, or they miss sleep, which creates an unnatural drive to eat to restore energy; they do not get sufficient exercise; and/or they simply don’t look at the quantity (or total caloric content) of the supposedly healthy foods they are eating. Sometimes it is those dull veggies or egg whites that need to be dressed up with a multitude of ingredients, that raises the caloric count to 500 calories per serving.

You have to be honest with yourself. Drinking lots of water won’t solve all your weight problems. You still have to be aware of what you put into yourself. Calories-wise, portion-wise, and energy-wise. However, once you cleanse yourself through hydration and energetically, automatically your system will start rejecting the garbage for you, regardless of whether the source is physical or emotional.

Turning OFF fully
Whenever I am overeating it is often due to lack of sleep; or trying to soothe emotional aggravation.

I try to rest my mind and go the bed early. But it’s not easy.

Even in sleep I’m traveling astrally and working. On some mornings I will feel more tired if I’ve had heavy dreams or done a lot of energetic work in another realm. I have to realize that, and try not to overstimulate myself with TV, negative stories, Facebook conversations, or upsetting information about relationships or work. During the summer months I also switch to green tea to get off unnatural stimulants that will keep me from getting sufficient sleep.

Since I am results oriented, I have a driven personality, whether it is a project that needs to be executed; or it is a client that I am in the middle of analyzing, witnessing and feeling empathically.  Unlike my Grandma who lived an ascetic life, I have bills to pay; chores; cleaning and other responsibilities to family, pets and friends. It’s common to experience worry and anxiety from daily living that make complete rest, illusive.

In order to really get sleep then, I have to find ways to physically shut off and mentally close down projects by writing my worries down; or simply, being more focused during the peak hours of 10AM-1PM, dealing with business (annoying realities, contract details, incorrect accounting errors, insurance, boring but calamitous cash reconciliations, etc.), as well as do the metaphysical work of helping others.

Facing your problems (and not procrastinating too long on decisions) is the only way to put them to rest. It literally is like clearing the mind/body computer of the trash in its memory. Once the relevant information has been understood, it can either be deleted or stored elsewhere for future reference.

It’s chipping away at the glacier of your life plan. Two to three issues per day; no more.

When I am handling all aspects of life, I can drop as much as 4-8 lbs in any eight hour rest period. It happens no matter how poorly I eat, or how little exercise I do.

By drinking lots of water and getting quality sleep, after six months my body now tells me when how much fluid to drink and forces me to detox faster.

I’m sure there is a more scientific explanation, but for now I’m just reporting my results for and from my personal understanding.

Disclaimer: Not everyone will have the same results, as we differ in temperament, life purpose and body chemistry. However, when you find something that works for you, persist in keeping that good habit. It will protect you and your body under the worst circumstances.

(1) Disclaimer: This is not a marketing piece for Kangen water. Diet plan. Fitness program.

Whatever is your dominant element (earth, water, metal, fire or air), it will have an influence on how you operate. How might you benefit from learning that, to improve your vitality? If you’re interested in answering these questions, contact us at for an energy reading.