What happens on earth when celestial orbs get in each other’s light 

By Yvonne. On February 26, 2017 at 6:25 a.m we will experience a solar eclipse in 8 degrees Pisces. Here are some ideas on how to flow into it:

What are eclipses?

Eclipses are events when one celestial orb, such as the earth, blocks another and creates darkness upon the earth. The one coming up involves the moon coming in between the sun and earth; being annular, it will totally block the sun from view and is considered one of the most powerful events in the year. 

What does this mean spiritually?

In many ancient cultures, including Christianity, eclipses are often feared for what might happen. It is a time when the veil between worlds is the thinnest and when ghosts can penetrate our world 1,000 more times, creating all kinds of mischief and mayhem. Even Jesus’ crucifixion occurred in a lunar eclipse where temporarily it seemed as if God had abandoned the world.

Whenever we have solar or lunar eclipses, it amplifies the type of celestial event involved. For instance, a full moon eclipse makes a Full Moon even more emotional; a new moon eclipse makes the New Moon even more eventful when the planets align. In general we experience 4-6 eclipses per year. These times mark significant changes that create opportunities for our soul to grow, especially if these eclipses touch on our personal planets by transit.

Hidden truths surface 

During these times we experience strong emotions and insights. Messages from beyond come through loud and clear. Whether it is pointing out the true colors of our friends or the lost cause nature of a false hope or endeavors of ours or something else, an eclipse brings light to that which we have ignored or been in denial about. Not all eclipses are negative: some individuals experience great joy during the solar eclipse, especially if they have done their inner work. But most eclipses usually begin with heavy emotions that we cannot ignore. 

The more intensely we feel — especially when the feelings aren’t ours and are unpleasant, the more we have to pay attention to energy exchanges between ourselves and others. Is it in balance? Have we neglected a relationship? Was what we contracted with others still in alignment with our sense of fairness and truth? Are we too busy taking care of other people’s needs, we have neglected our own self care? These are all issues that come to the fore of our consciousness to be acted upon. 

With a Pisces solar eclipse, all the negative aspects of Neptune must be faced and transmuted. This includes our tendency to live vicariously through others and not tend to our well-being; to live in a fantasy world to avoid dealing with mundane realities; to use addictions, including gambling, sex, drugs, and overspending, to soothe ourselves and avoid reality; to feel the negative feelings and despondency of others; and to not deal with our problems in a practical manner.

It is a time when we get fed up with how we are misunderstood, unappreciated or undervalued (especially for our views and opinions on Facebook and other places). Do we want to continue to be a doormat? Or do we want to take the bull by the horns and walk away from people and situations that no longer serve our visions. We have a choice, and the sooner we embrace the feelings that come up and take action, the clearer we are about our workable choices and what steps to take to move forward.

Don’t go out; eat or drink; meditate and read holy words

Since Earthly practitioners use these cycles to do rituals, the atmosphere is charged with egoic intentions and chaotic energy. Some of the dark magic is harmful. For this reason, ancient peoples always advised staying close to home and increasing your level of spiritual protection during eclipses.

It is a time commonly used for inner work and dealing with our issues. If a situation is sufficiently toxic enough to us, we have to face that certain people or circumstances may have served their purpose and it is time to let them go. It is a time for endings, especially during lunar eclipses. We do a final accounting, pay for the time used, find the impetus to cut the ties and move on. 

Since our intuition is heightened we also can see through deception and fantasy states that might normally keep us in negative habits. Random events happen during eclipses to shake us from our cherished illusions and make us accept the reality of the challenge and our limitations in fulfilling it. Sorrows deepen to the point where we are forced to act. Unlike the Mercury retrograde, which happens automatically, the raw truths unearthed during eclipses usually result in new behaviors and adjustments in the next 18-24 months to come. 

Once we remove things that no longer serve our Higher Self, we need to surround ourselves with positive energy and relationships that help us stay strong, rather than refill the void with a different substance or distraction. In order to renew our souls, it is beneficial to align ourselves with healthier rituals that make us feel wholesome and uplifted. Staying a frequency above the lower astral realms where wandering ghosts and negative thought forms chatter is critical to avoiding unneeded entanglement during these times. It is therefore a good time for singing, praying, saying a mantra, doing a spiritual practice, journal writing, laughing, clapping, clearing spaces, and connecting with other likeminded souls to protect yourself during eclipses. Once we have shed aspects of ourselves that we have outgrown, we can see it from a higher perspective and, as Susan Miller says, get to a “new level of maturity”; thus using these events to evolve to a higher, more fulfilling state.

Eclipses force us to move forward

Events happen whether we like them or not. If it’s a solar eclipse, our careers — for better or worse–may come into the spotlight or achieve an outcome worthy of public recognition. Or they may come under attack, and we have to reconsider how we deal with authority figures and men. During a lunar eclipse, our relationship with women, including our female friends, mother, wife, grandmother, professional relationships, clients, and business associations, come into focus. We may make new friends and lose old connections; come into power struggles, or find ourselves assisting one. 

When we encounter problems, we might learn what brings us the greatest self-nurturance and learn to love ourselves more. Pain can be the breakthrough needed for us to drop unhealthful ways and finally become our True Self. We begin to apply a different level of awareness, unity and kindness to ourselves and others.

It is during these periods that it is a good time to reconnect with Mother Earth. We pick up from the astral plane so many vibrations that are not ours when the veils are thin. For the three to 48 hours that the eclipse is in effect, earthing is recommended to release the fear, anxiety and feelings of scarcity, that we might come in contact with when our insecurities, ignored old hurts and unresolved issues are commingled with the Collective, especially during the super emotionally spongey Pisces moon. 

It is not advisable to start or end projects during lunar or solar eclipses.  

Just as Mercury retrograde puts us in a review mode, eclipses make us defenseless against all the emotions around us and make us slow down to take in outer world feedback. It takes time to integrate the information for our inner process of healing. However, once it is felt on a soul level, we can start to slowly accept what is and act accordingly. 

By working with the cycles of Nature we can make eclipses work for us. Email us at enchantments.store@gmail.com for astrology readings. We can help identify underlying themes; unblock energies, interferences and energy imbalances as well as uncord stubborn, unhealthy attachments. 

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Your heart and my heart are old friends

This morning while working out, I was introduced to another woman, and she immediately declared, “I know you.” We racked brains together to figure out how but couldn’t come up with how. I laughed and thought, this is hilarious. It’s Valentine’s Day and it’s time to write about an age old favorite, the “old soul.”

How do you know a stranger when you never met them?

The soul is ageless. Unlike our physical body it transcends time. As we go from one incarnation to another, we fall asleep to our previous lifetimes and part of an Infinite Consciousness, and start over in a new body. 

Many of the new children (those born after 1970)—crystal, indigos, rainbow, etc. –remember who they once were, because we have made it acceptable to remember these lifetimes, and welcome these children as bearers of light to remind us; however, most of us who are older have been conditioned to suppress and deny these memories.

Recovering lost memories

One of the first things my teacher did with me when we started working together was: she made me recall my childhood memories. She rolled the film, as if she and I were passive observers watching a movie, and she bore witness to some of my deepest secrets and mystical moments. As if we were time travelers, we went back to a grove of trees when I was five years old in Longwood Gardens, Pa. A family friend was getting married, and I remember getting lost and feeling sad that day. Even though I was a little girl, I experienced her happy day with a flush of other memories from another experience that was so vivid, I felt so much older than my 5 year old body; and, true to date, these past life experiences have kept me from being married. 

Another time I remember daydreaming in my dad’s station wagon, and looking up into the clouds, I could interpret the formations, and downloaded memories so sophisticated, I felt like I knew my purpose and told myself that in this lifetime, it’d be better to be intelligent than beautiful. There was more information than that, but those moments faded as I didn’t know how to record them and when around adults that treat you like a child, you learn act in accordance to the societal role and the memories get pushed back and forgotten.

And that is why it’s so important to interact with others. Whatever your religious beliefs, we never stop running into people that remind us of who we are from some unknown connection that is unexplainable. Sort of like a déjà vu or parental figure or person from a recurring dream. If you believe that the soul migrates upon physical death, then the possibility of past lives makes a lot of sense; for there are moments of recognition that we can neither explain or logically understand with our human minds, but their interaction with us, help us recover lost pieces of our journey that we need to reclaim in order to become Whole. This relates to friends, teachers, coaches, strangers as well as lovers, and thus we can call any one a soul mate. 

How do we recognize our soul mates?

A soul mate is a person that shares a common bond with you for the purpose of growing. It could be sister, a friend, a pet or a lover. Usually the bond is instinctual. You might even experience greater harmony with those outside your ethnic and family group. Sometimes you feel drawn to different time periods and cultures for no reason. Sometimes there is so much commonality that there almost seems no need to talk or overly explain. They somehow know us, as if we are two peas in a pod. There is no explaining why you both are so close, but it appears that in spite of outward differences, there are many deep ways this person mirrors some of our best and worst traits. 

If you have been around for many lifetimes, you begin to see people and immediately place them into archetypes — whether it is a four or five element astrological system, an animal totem, a fairy or crystal or mineral. As Steven Bancarz explains in his The Mind Journal article entitled, “Five things only old souls can fully understand,” “this is because you have seen the archetype of that person before in a past life and are familiar with the general behavior and psychology of that archetype. You have interacted with thousands of people throughout the course of your soul’s history, so there is really no archetype you haven’t interacted with yet.” As we evolve, we simplify these traits to learn about others and the boundaries of our own selfhood with respect to them through exchanging, loving, and sharing hidden aspects of ourselves. 

Some soulmates stay for a long time and become companions; others come and go, leaving us with pain and disappointment but also a gift of deeper compassion, understanding and sensitivity. We learn deeper whom we are compatible with; and we learn that relationships have many purposes.

Not all soul mates exist to fulfill us romantically.

Some soul mates come to help a person manifest a personality trait, a piece of art or a movement. Examples of people that get together for more than a romantic purpose are many. Bo Derek and her husband John Derek’s coupling helped mold her into a sex symbol. Another example is the relationship between Georgia O’Keefe and Alfred Stieglitz, the latter of which provided the financial support and promotion for her to receive acclaim as an artist. Another example is the spiritual partnership between Martin Luther king and Coretta Scott King. They each fortified each other and Coretta finished his legacy.

Certain traits do incline individuals to get along with each other; for that reason, we read the horoscope and marvel at how accurately it explains the quirks about our partner. Other times, our partners behave completely out of sync with the archetype, depending on which side of good and evil, he or she chooses to express. That said, we may not always be able choose the best partners but we can surely educate ourselves in choosing the right people to be more around with. 

If you’re not with the One or lost someone, maybe you have to learn to be the ‘One’

All of us want our relationships to last an eternity; however, if our soul has signed up for great challenges and growth, it is possible that that destiny can only be fulfilled by phases (and different partners at each phase); periods of solitude; or even divorce, loss and betrayal.

When life becomes tough and you come in for a consultation and ask how could I have signed up for this? The only explanation is that your life story is meant to be a drama for others. Sometimes to fulfill the soul’s need for such an experience to grow, mature and heal some of its past life wounds, we go through wrenching events as well as positive ones. As Arnold Swartzenegger once said, when you ask for greatness, it “does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” Thus life produces the experiences that shape us into the individuals we aspire to become, and it’s up to us whether we become a victim of those circumstances or we learn to rise above.

Other times: life is going to happen to us regardless of our conscious control. For that, we sometimes have to acquiesce to a Higher Power and trust that, in some way, it is for our highest good.

If you want to actively moderate some of life’s dramas that are within our control, knowing the karmic patterns, in which you engage with certain individuals, can give you some insight into what you are experiencing and, if it’s a lesson you want to get over with, you can start taking action to resolve it. We may not be able to avoid certain types of people, jobs, illnesses, events, accidents or burdens, but we have, through many spiritual and psychological tools, to address unexplained fears, phobias and esteem issues that plague us from unsettled patterns from the past.

Each relationship is like a refining process. Our character becomes better defined and more durable; as we learn what can destroy us and what brings us back to joy and happiness. The more we see our relationships as a means to develop self-love, the more we can let go and enjoy the sometimes roller coaster ride that our soul mates take us, while our destiny with them unfolds and fulfills its purpose.

Fear not that there won’t be anyone out there for you. 

Be it a new friend, a new lover or a new pet. Despite what Hollywood wants you believe, there is no One and Only soulmate; there are multiple soulmates in the journey of life. Maybe that might not give you comfort when you are in a dry spell or experiencing a long bout of loneliness; however, if your heart is open and you have done the work to address what might not gone right in the last relationship, you will find others. 

As you work on becoming the right person, i.e. your authentic self, and putting yourself out there, law of attraction has to deliver true love to you with someone who appreciates your unique characteristics.


No matter how successful, painful or disappointing, soul mates come to remind us who we are and show us how to love ourselves. If we welcome the experience understanding the purpose together, soul mates can help us experience love without fear before we go back into the light we came from.